That new Saki anime

Turns out the new Saki anime is not going to follow the main storyline. It’ll follow the spinoff Saki Achiga-hen Episode of Side-A.

Other team has continued the recent chapters of Saki though so I guess I’ll just sit back and enjoy unless a good translator which proficient in mahjong offers help.

Saki Dropped!

edogawaconan: “Saki has been dropped.”

I didn’t want to be responsible for mentioning this as I am not the project leader nor took part in any of the chapters after volume seven (which I shall be releasing after we catch up with D-Frag!), but since edogawaconan is too busy, lazy, or ashamed to, I decided to mentioned it.

Why did we (the Saki team) drop it? If you have not heard about it already, Saki is getting a sequel to its anime that shall be continuing on the story from the manga, so instead of doing chapters that are going to be animated anyway, the Saki team felt it was useless and a waste of resources. Not to mention, fidzerone isn’t exactly a wizard in mahjong terminology.

edogawaconan edit: hahaha thanks for posting this. Yes I’m too lazy. Mainly editing the scripts. Having to edit half-accurate translation with my not even remotely good knowledge doesn’t bode well with me. No, an editor won’t solve this problem.

Yoiko’s Noguchi-sensei’s Porno!

Seven years after the completetion of Yoiko, Noguchi-sensei found a surprising opportunity to star in an adult film which she decided to take on. Yoshino Miki, the voice actor of Noguchi-sensei starred as a supporting character in the Hentai OVA, Haitoku Tsuma. She plays Eriko, a voluptuous and big-breasted bitch. If you have not seen it yet, I recommend it. I found it rather strange though at the same time pleasant hearing the same kinds of squeals and sounds that she made in Yoiko. The OVA is two-episodes. She plays Eriko in the latter. And yes, you’ll need tissues!

P.S. I’ve updated the status on Machiko Sensei, so check out the status page.

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